What Our Clients Say
Testimonials from Our Pricing Strategy Clients

The Iris Pricing Solutions team presented new thinking around commercial terms and the pricing tool that they developed with Global MaSE to aid the management of the process. After a sticky start due to my concerns of complexity, I was blown away. This is an impressive piece of work which takes price management and commercial terms management to a new level.
I was thinking about our 3 years working together and realized what a great decision it was to start working together. I have had the opportunity to appreciate Iris Pricing Solutions’ commitment, your expertise, as well as the fun we had, and we will be having, during the upcoming months.
Thanks to the Iris Pricing Solutions team, our retail customers have accepted 90% of the increases, which is outstanding. The information and training provided has been critical to our success.
Professional analyses by people who really understand pricing.
PSL are great examples of consultants that pay for themselves. Iris Pricing Solutions has helped us get to a much higher level with pricing and margin strategy with more to come.