Pricing Webinars

Best Practices in Monetizing the Internet of Things

The Internet of Things (IoT) revolution is changing the landscape of business. While IoT technology is generating huge business opportunities, it is also creating a significant challenge – how to effectively monetize IoT products and not leave money on the table?

Best Practices in Subscription Pricing

The Best Practices in Subscription Pricing webinar

Subscription pricing is spreading rapidly…and by all accounts has passed the “tipping point” in broad market acceptance. This webinar will present an overview of trends and introduces case studies and best practices of subscription pricing across a range of B2B and B2C industries.

High-Impact Pricing Strategies for Restaurants

Learn how restaurants can significantly improve their revenue and profit margins through high-impact pricing strategies that leverage customer insights and transaction data. This online training presents pricing strategies restaurants can use to generate 10:1 profit increases while growing guest count and average ticket size.

Pricing Sustainably Produced Foods for Sustainable Bottom Lines

Join NRN’s Sustainability Webinar Series as the panel discusses these issues and related best practices for pricing foods produced with sustainability in mind.

Pricing Optimization Strategies for Private Equity Investors

Private equity investors can significantly increase the EBITDA through effective pricing optimization strategies for their portfolio companies. This online training gives you an overview of price optimization strategies that typically generate 10-12X EBITDA increases for every 2% increase in effective pricing.

Pricing During Turbulent Times

pricing during turbulent times

Paul Hunt’s “Pricing During Turbulent Times; Adapting Your Pricing in Uncertainty” webinar, presented to TEC Canadaprovides insights about adjusting and adapting your pricing strategy during this time of economic uncertainty.

Increase Your Pricing IQ

This webinar presents an overview of the value-based pricing IQ that typically generates a 2% increase in effective pricing for Private Equity companies with a commensurate improvement in company value.

Pricing Videos

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How to Create Financial Value for a Customer

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How to Define Financial Value in Pricing

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Pricing Drives Private Equity Firm’s Value

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Applying 80/20 to Pricing Segmentation

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Realigning 80/20 Quads

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Applying 80/20 to Pricing Quad Analysis

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The Key Business Implications of 80/20

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What is 80/20 Principle?

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How to Price the Internet of Things?

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Choosing the Right Pricing Metrics for the IoT

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Why Consider Subscription Pricing?

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Why Consider Subscription Pricing?

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How to Choose the Right Metrics for Your Subscription Offer?

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Implementing Subscription Offer: What Should Marketing & Sales Teams Consider?

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What Pricing Challenges Do Restaurants Face?

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Restaurant Pricing: What is Store Tiering?

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Restaurant Pricing: Using Price Points to Drive Revenue

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Value Pricing Opportunities for Private Equity Firms

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How Can Private Equity Firms Fix Profit Leakages?

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Our Methodologies & Tools

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Customers Want the Best Value, Not the Best Price

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The Most Powerful Word in Pricing

Pricing Events

Proudly partnering with the Professional Pricing Society (PPS)

The Professional Pricing Society provides valuable pricing strategies, publications, research, and additional resources to the growing community of pricing professionals. Founded in 1984, PPS serves thousands of members worldwide, representing leading industries and business expertise in over 50 countries.

PPS produces five staple pricing conferences throughout the year in Europe, North America, Asia/Pacific, and Latin America. Pricing Conferences include the leaders in technology sponsors, featured full-day training workshops, opportunities to advance education with Certified Pricing Professional (CPP) credited education, and world-class networking opportunities amongst experts in the pricing industry. Learn more by visiting

The Strategic Pricing Management Forum 2021

Now in its seventh year, this event brings together a hand-picked group of leading Pricing Executives to discuss trends; strategies, emerging best practices, and new approaches to top challenges.

Pricing Podcasts

Private Equity Technology Podcast

Episode 32 – The Importance Of Pricing

Pricing is often one of the first levers Private Equity firms should be looking to look to optimize – gaining control over pricing strategy, processes and establishing the foundation for value-based pricing.

Pricing Solutions Podcast

Episode #1 – “Pricing Strategy: Key Ingredients to Getting Started”

Featuring Paul Hunt, President, Pricing Solutions Ltd.

Episode #2 – “Pricing Strategy: Achieving Buy-in & Avoiding Pricing Pitfalls”

Featuring Paul Hunt, President, Pricing Solutions Ltd.

Episode #3 – “Pricing Strategy: Insights & Innovations”

Featuring Paul Hunt, President of Pricing Solutions Ltd.

Episode #4 – “The Ins and Outs of Pricing Research & Analytics”

Featuring Paul Hunt, President of Pricing Solutions Ltd.

Episode #5 – “Key Pricing Trends & Challenges in CPG”

Featuring Paul Hunt, President, Pricing Solutions

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