Achieve ROI with Pricing Tools & Software
Pricing software & tools improve the speed and impact of your pricing decisions. We tailor-make solutions that analyze your data and provide detailed insights into your organizations pricing performance and profitability.
We have extensive experience building models for complex businesses. Our software and tools can handle multiple business variables including: numer of accounts, discounts, rebates, sales cycles and other factors in your decision-making, forecasting and monitoring processes.
With customized software & tools you can address pricing needs & challenges such as
- Increasing speed of price execution
- Gaining internal alignment
- Improving decision making capabilities
- Managing and tracking prices/metrics on an ongoing basis
Pricing Software & Tools
Pricing Solutions delivers customized solutions, to help organizations achieve a payback of at least 10:1 on their investment. See some examples of various tools below.

Pricing Guidance Tool for your Sales Team
Pricing guidance tools have built in price segmentation specific to your business. These tools enable your salesforce to understand the impact of their pricing decisions. Our Pricing Intelligence tools are designed to integrate with clients’ current systems and are built with final users in mind. With each project we deliver:
– Gap analysis of current systems vs. Best-in-Class processes
– A detailed pricing dataflow & systems roadmap for short- and long-term improvement
– Training for quick implementation and full value realization
– Sales Guide for profitable and consistent execution
– Real-time Sales monitoring and dashboards
Price & Promotional Planning Tools
Businesses need to assess the impact of pricing and promotion actions across different product lines and in highly competitive and volatile environments.
Pricing Solutions’ B2C systems use historical prices, volume and promotional activities etc., to develop advanced simulation and forecasting tools that let your organization make informed and profitable pricing decisions.

Pricing Segmentation Tool
Pricing Solutions focuses on grouping similar customers/products with related behaviours so that clients can manage customer/product profiles more effectively. Applying price segmentation to other tools like the perceived value map and pricing waterfall can help your organization build pricing structures to maximize revenue by each segment. With data driven micro-segmentation your organization can analyze margins by customer or product segment which are the foundation for the pricing structure. The alignment and maintenance of these pricing structures leads to measurable increases in revenue and profitability.
Pricing Waterfall Tool
Your organization can analyze margins to understand the “true net price” each deal receives. Visibility of leakages using Price Waterfall Analysis, Price Band Analysis, Price Dispersions (right) etc., allows finance, sales and/or product managers to identify areas where better price execution could capture lost revenue opportunity.

Pricing Intelligence Dashboards
Best-in-Class pricing processes have clear pricing metrics and visibility into the effectiveness of pricing decisions. Pricing Solutions tailored intelligence dashboards combine our pricing expertise with your key business needs to deliver insights on your overall pricing strategy. Dashboards can be created to view by customer/product segment, functional area or even by sales associate. This powerful tool measures performance so you can manage your business.
Perceived Value Map
One of the key components to develop a pricing strategy is evaluating customer value. The Perceived Value Map, helps companies understand how customers perceive your brand/product and options for positioning.
Value maps are powerful tools which combine existing market/research data with internal wisdom and experience to enable more productive discussions on relative value and price. Some clients continue to update value maps with customer research to track value movements over time or by customer segment.

White Paper: How to Automate Your Pricing Infrastructure
What you learn’ll from this white paper
Despite the evidence that shows pricing is the most critical predictor of profitability, the science of pricing is still relatively underdeveloped for most organizations, and nine out of ten businesses have the wrong pricing automation system in place.
The purpose of this 18-page white paper is to demonstrate how having the right pricing automation software can maximize business profitability in the long run.
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