Pricing Blog2020-08-26T20:14:14-04:00

Modular Advertising to Improve Newspaper Profitability

The newspaper and information publishing industry are finding it more and more difficult to maintain profitable in such an aggressive market. Experiencing intense pressure from advertisers and consumers, industry leaders are looking for new ways to capture value and maintain margins. One strategy that we've seen work is module advertising.

Serve, Don’t Sell: How Better Pricing Helps Associations and Non-Profits Fulfill Their Missions

Many Associations and Non-Profits are faced with slowing growth and shrinking margins. But with better pricing, they can serve, not sell and see “Quick Win” pricing opportunities.

As Harvoni and Holkira Pak become available, 5 things that Canadian Hep C nurses are thinking about

In the past 2 years a lot has happened in the world of Hep C treatment. How will pharma companies develop sustainable pricing strategies in the industry?

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