Pricing Blog2020-08-26T20:14:14-04:00

Use the Pricing Waterfall to Drive Profits

For the average business, a mere 1% increase in price leads to a whopping 12.5% improvement in profitability. That’s the single most powerful lever a company has for boosting the bottom line. The pricing waterfall, a tool for identifying hidden costs and expenses, is one of the most effective ways of capturing that 1% – or more!

Sales and Marketing: iPad2 – Demonstrating What Good Pricing is all About

With the recent launch of the iPad 2, much has been made about Apple’s decision to launch it at the same list price as the original iPad. Unfortunately most of what I have read has skirted what I see as the key pricing questions at the centre of this debate.

Never a Greater Need For Strategic Price Increases

As commodity costs skyrocket, there has never been a greater need for companies to implement strategic price increases. Unfortunately, many organizations are afflicted with Price Increase Rigor Mortis (PIRM), an insidious disease that paralyzes their ability to raise prices and ravages their bottom line.

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