How Can Private Equity Firms Increase Their Portfolio Value Through Pricing?

2020-05-05T16:54:58-04:00Categories: Pricing and Selling, Pricing Management, Pricing Optimization, Pricing Value, Services|Tags: , , , , |

Increasing the value of your private equity firm’s portfolio can be a complex endeavor. There are multiple levers to be pulled such as financing, product/service fit, human capital, etc. Yet one area of high EBITDA leverage that is consistently overlooked is pricing.

Top 4 Strategies to Improve Customer Retention

2020-05-05T16:54:44-04:00Categories: Industries & Clients, Industry Examples, Pricing Strategy, Pricing Value|Tags: , , , |

Last year, Apple's retention rate was at the colossal percentage of 92. While your business may not achieve the retention rate this high, even a few percentage increase will make a significant change to your profit.

5 Steps to Improve your Pricing Strategies – Value of 1%

2020-09-29T09:46:59-04:00Categories: Pricing Management, Pricing Strategy, Pricing Value|Tags: , , , , |

Improving your pricing strategy is a dependable way for your organization to improve its bottom line & profitablity. We discuss several steps on roadmap to strategy improvement.

Dangers of Discounting

2018-11-23T16:31:14-05:00Categories: Pricing and Selling, Pricing Changes, Pricing Strategy, Pricing Value|Tags: , , , , , |

Your customers may love discounts but are they good for business? We shed some light on the dark side of discounting and how they might negatively impact your business.

What Brexit Means For Your Pricing Strategy

2017-03-27T12:36:16-04:00Categories: Pricing Management, Pricing Strategy, Pricing Value|Tags: , , , , |

With the announcement of Brexit came many unknowns. We discuss strategies that your pricing department can use to counter the ambiguity and achieve a winning pricing strategy.

Why Price Transparency Benefits Your Business

2020-04-13T15:59:55-04:00Categories: Pricing and Selling, Pricing Changes, Pricing Management, Pricing Value|Tags: , , , |

Price transparency has been a hot topic, especially for retailers and healthcare professionals, this past year. Read why you shouldn't fear transparency...

Three Common Pricing Mistakes (and how to avoid them)

2017-10-26T11:53:55-04:00Categories: Pricing Management, Pricing Optimization, Pricing Research, Pricing Strategy, Pricing Value|Tags: , , , , |

Are you making one of the three most common Pricing mistakes we see businesses making? If so, here's our advice on how to correct them.

Premier League Tickets: Price Increases Make Good Business Sense, But For How Long? Part I

2017-07-19T15:59:31-04:00Categories: Pricing and Selling, Pricing Management, Pricing Strategy, Pricing Value|Tags: , , , , |

Premier League football clubs are in a strong position to maintain price increases. Pricing Solutions applies the 5Cs of Pricing Strategy to see if the League is reaching a tipping point.

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