How to Avoid a Price War
Pricing wars can be costly to your bottom line and your brand. Apply these tips and minimize your chances of a costly battle.
Pricing wars can be costly to your bottom line and your brand. Apply these tips and minimize your chances of a costly battle.
The pricing discipline has been growing rapidly as companies realize that investing in pricing can have long-term payoffs. But investing in pricing research can be a costly endeavour. We discuss the best ways to make sure that your pricing research returns positive ROI.
With the announcement of Brexit came many unknowns. We discuss strategies that your pricing department can use to counter the ambiguity and achieve a winning pricing strategy.
Find out how and why your company should use big data to build better pricing strategies for your products and to see an increase in profitability.
Uber has been able to leverage dynamic pricing to revolutionize their industry. Read what we think are the most important lessons to learn from Uber.
Apple are rumored to be planning the launch of the new MacBook later this year. So, how will they price it? Read our predictions here...
Pricing is a factor that has one of the biggest impact on retailer profits. Why should retailers price their products differently during the holiday season?
The strategy companies choose to price their products and services can be a key factor in their success or failure. How the IoT influences pricing strategy.
‘Black Friday’ has always been a focus of criticism and debate. However, this year the conversation shifted towards whether Black Friday discounts make financial sense for retailers.
Excess capacity is the bane of many industries. It can be blessing in disguise, though, once manufacturers figure out how to use it to their advantage without threatening their core businesses.