Boost Your Pricing Intelligence Effectiveness

2020-11-11T09:58:14-05:00Categories: Pricing Management, Pricing Optimization, Pricing Research, Pricing Strategy, Pricing Tools|

By: Kevin McCabe, MSc, Director of Pricing Strategy 3 Ways to Quickly Apply Your Pricing IQ Being able to understand and manage your pricing from sales transaction data can be extremely overwhelming and complex. Once you get control over that, it will be a lot easier to deal with any requests, challenges and problems [...]

OP-ED: The Psychology of Premier League Pay-Per-View Pricing

2023-08-15T09:20:04-04:00Categories: Pricing Analytics, Pricing and Selling, Pricing Optimization, Pricing Research, Pricing Strategy, Pricing Tools, Pricing Value|

Originally posted on Sports Industry Group As the Premier League makes its matches available to fans on a pay-per-view basis for £14.95 per game, Ed Heskins, Senior Pricing Consultant, Iris Pricing Solutions takes a look at the psychology behind pricing - and why the league's approach has caused consternation among fans. If every [...]

Pricing During Pandemic: Solving 3 Common Pricing Issues

2020-10-05T11:47:41-04:00Categories: Pricing Analytics, Pricing Changes, Pricing Optimization, Pricing Research, Pricing Strategy, Pricing Value, restaurant pricing|Tags: , , , , , , , , , |

COVID-19 has impacted business across most industries, causing a variety of new pricing challenges and questions. Companies are focusing on pricing now more than ever, and indeed pricing is a powerful tool that can help companies face and resolve the challenges they're experiencing. When implemented strategically, pricing can generate a bottom-line improvement while also [...]

Why Pricers Should Act Carefully Today

2023-08-15T09:20:00-04:00Categories: Pricing Strategy|Tags: , , |

While it is necessary to act quickly, careful consideration to pricing must be taken and is more important than ever. The following steps are immediate actions that you can take to protect your company’s cash flow and ensure its long-term success.

B2B Companies Can Navigate Times of Crisis with These Pricing Strategies

2023-08-15T09:17:02-04:00Categories: Pricing Changes, Pricing Management, Pricing Strategy, Pricing Value|Tags: , , |

Pricing considerations are the lynchpin to the defense tactics that can help a company survive a crisis, protect cash flow and remain in the black.

Subscription Pricing: Benefits, Metrics & Team Alignment

2020-04-30T14:40:38-04:00Categories: Pricing and Selling, Pricing Strategy|Tags: , , , , |

This article will present an overview of the best practices to follow when implementing subscription pricing.

The Yin and Yang of Today’s Pricing Trends

2020-03-10T11:52:29-04:00Categories: Pricing Management, Pricing Strategy|Tags: , , , , |

While the shift to the digital economy is driving the popularity of both of these pricing strategies, dynamic pricing and subscription pricing are at two extremes of the pricing spectrum.

Transforming Restaurant Investments with a Winning Pricing Strategy

2023-08-15T09:16:57-04:00Categories: Pricing Strategy, Pricing Value|Tags: , , , |

As a Private Equity investor in restaurants, the goal is to maximize firm value to generate a significant return on investment. Yet many PE firms bring outdated revenue optimization strategies to the restaurant businesses they acquire, hindering value creation.

Subscription-Based Software Pricing: How to Migrate Customers from a Perpetual to a Subscription Model?

2024-06-03T13:00:43-04:00Categories: Pricing Strategy|Tags: , , , , |

We’re seeing software companies across the B2B and B2C spectrum moving towards subscription pricing. In this article, we lay out how to switch from perpetual software licenses to subscription pricing.

Is Subscription Pricing Right for a B2B Business?

2023-08-15T09:16:52-04:00Categories: Pricing Management, Pricing Strategy|Tags: , , , , , |

Subscription pricing – it’s trending across industries, slowly taking over legacy pricing models of the past 50 years. This article explores benefits, considerations and migration strategies for those B2B companies that consider moving to subscription pricing.

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