Never a Greater Need For Strategic Price Increases

2023-08-15T09:14:37-04:00Categories: Pricing Management, Pricing Strategy|

As commodity costs skyrocket, there has never been a greater need for companies to implement strategic price increases. Unfortunately, many organizations are afflicted with Price Increase Rigor Mortis (PIRM), an insidious disease that paralyzes their ability to raise prices and ravages their bottom line.

Solving The Puzzle of Irrational Consumer Behavior

2018-03-08T13:53:15-05:00Categories: Pricing Strategy|Tags: , , , |

Why on earth did they buy that there? Sometimes, it seems customers act irrationally when it comes to their buying behaviours. But that is never the case. Customers always behave in ways they perceive are in their own interest. And yet, the rationale behind these decisions is often puzzling.

New “Pay What You Want” Pricing Strategy

2018-03-07T14:19:22-05:00Categories: Pricing Research, Pricing Strategy|Tags: , , |

A new pricing strategy that allows buyers to dictate prices can lead to higher profits; if some of the proceeds go to charity. The strategy is called “pay what you want,” and has gained a foothold in several markets in the last few years.

How to Unleash Massive and Overwhelming Force Via Price Reductions?

2018-03-07T13:53:15-05:00Categories: Pricing Research, Pricing Strategy|Tags: , , |

Why companies must more zealously execute their business strategies by focusing on turning their competitive advantage into clear decisive advantages.

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