Why Netflix loves Bank of America

2018-02-08T16:26:22-05:00Categories: Pricing Strategy|Tags: , , , , , |

Just when things were looking bleak for Netflix they caught a break as Bank of America came along with their debit card pricing fee. Bank of America has taken such a beating for that decision that if there was such a thing as a Pricing Piñata it would have their logo emblazoned all over it.

Achieve Your Goals With a Solid Pricing Strategy

2018-02-08T16:36:40-05:00Categories: Pricing Management, Pricing Strategy|Tags: , , , , |

Pricing strategy is a hot topic these days. Over the past 20 years, we have helped many companies develop, refine or transform their pricing strategy, but today we get requests for help more frequently than ever before. So why the surge of interest now?

Flaherty’s Pricing Parity Initiative

2018-02-08T17:00:19-05:00Categories: Pricing Management, Pricing Strategy|Tags: , , , , , , |

Finance Minister Jim Flaherty recently announced his desire to commission a Senate Committee into Canadian pricing. There have likely been a number of triggers for his reaction, but J Crew, a specialty apparel retailer, entering Canada at a significant price premium to its US pricing and subsequent reversal I am sure was part of the cause.

If I Were the CEO of Netflix

2018-02-12T16:52:03-05:00Categories: Pricing and Selling, Pricing Strategy|Tags: , , , , |

Netflix has been getting a lot of attention lately for its new pricing strategy. If you have kept an eye on the matter you will have noticed that there is an interesting paradox. Consumers hate it but analysts love it. They may lose as many as 2.5 million customers but profitability should go up.

Real Time, Real Dollars

2018-02-12T16:59:31-05:00Categories: Pricing Management, Pricing Strategy|Tags: , , , , , , , |

A consultant at Pricing Solutions recently presented some learnings he took away from an IBM conference on the topic of analytics. An important topic was the emerging frontier of using real time data to make real time decisions. From a pricing perspective, how could this level of data analytics move companies forward in their ability to be good value based pricers?

Segmentation Should be Your Pricing Backbone

2020-03-24T17:03:34-04:00Categories: Pricing Management, Pricing Research, Pricing Strategy|Tags: , , , , |

If your segmentation isn’t leading you into a discussion about behaviour, price structure, innovation and offer design, you probably have a large untapped opportunity. Read how segmentation can be the backbone of your pricing strategy.

Pay for Performance – What Pricers Can Learn From Pro Hockey

2017-10-16T14:03:42-04:00Categories: Pricing Research, Pricing Strategy|Tags: , , , , , , |

I have been watching the Stanley Cup Finals between Boston Bruins and Vancouver Canucks. One of the keys to Boston’s success has been the steady play of defenseman Tomas Kaberle. Kaberle was acquired from the Toronto Maple Leafs in February of this year.

Look Beyond Price for Cause of Lost Bids

2017-10-26T11:52:12-04:00Categories: Pricing Management, Pricing Strategy|Tags: , , , |

For many lost deals, price was not the factor; perceived quality was the driving force behind the decision. Collect customer feedback and use lessons learned to refocus your service-delivery model and win more deals.

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