Can’t Handle the Hagglers? You Could Be Leaving Money On The Table

2017-07-19T17:30:17-04:00Categories: Financial Post, Pricing and Selling, Pricing Management, Pricing Strategy|Tags: , , , , |

Good negotiation is a commendable talent, but businesses need the skills to deal with good negotiators. Protecting your profitability from good negotiators requires ardent compliance to pricing policies, a flexible pricing infrastructure and the ability to say “no”.

How to Make Competitors Follow Your Pricing Lead

2017-11-01T10:04:44-04:00Categories: Financial Post, Pricing Strategy|Tags: , , , , |

Far from being the first to take action, a true price leader is able to consistently execute pricing actions that result in the desired effect. Much like in a game of chess, a pricing leader devotes the time and resources to understanding the motivations and aspirations of its competitors and to building the skills necessary to think several pricing moves into the future.

Bundling as a Pricing Strategy and Marketing Tool

2017-08-02T16:33:00-04:00Categories: Financial Post, Pricing Strategy|Tags: , , , , |

We find that companies often treat bundling as purely a marketing tactic versus a component in a broader pricing strategy. It is not uncommon for companies to incorporate terms and features into a sale without understanding their inherent value.

Death of The Penny May Cause Extinction of Strategic Price Point

2024-02-14T11:34:11-05:00Categories: Financial Post, Pricing Strategy|Tags: , , , , , , |

On May 4th the Canadian government officially stopped production of the penny, and will now be using "Swedish Rounding". There may be significant implications for pricing, after all a 1% improvement in price leads to a 12.5% improvement in corporate profitability for the average company.

Why You Should Re-Think Your Cost-Based Strategy

2017-07-19T17:43:49-04:00Categories: Financial Post, Pricing Research, Pricing Strategy, Pricing Value|Tags: , , , |

Cost based pricing is relatively simple. The simplicity of cost-based pricing is what attracts many companies. But we think companies would benefit from slowing down before adopting such a pricing strategy.

Can Your Price Ever Be Too Low?

2018-01-23T10:31:56-05:00Categories: Pricing and Selling, Pricing Strategy|

Pricing low to gain volume is the oldest move in the pricing playbook; the laws of economics say that as you lower price, volume will go up. Therefore many companies that want to dominate a market, or are in a rush to grow in a new market, will use low prices to achieve their goals (e.g. Walmart, Dell, Private Label).

Pricing Luxury Brands For Online Shoppers

2017-07-19T17:54:46-04:00Categories: Financial Post, Pricing and Selling, Pricing Strategy|Tags: , , , , , , , , |

If a consumer is shopping for an exclusive brand and likes the idea of buying smart, then many would conclude they can save some money by buying online from a country that sells it cheaper. However, the truth is that they probably won’t succeed; at least not online.

3 Lessons on Value Proposition I Learned at the Barber Shop

2017-07-19T17:53:49-04:00Categories: Financial Post, Pricing Changes, Pricing Strategy|Tags: , , , , |

After a recent visit to the barber, I was reminded the importance of a strong value proposition. Here are 3 of the lessons I learned.

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