How to Profit in Global Markets with Psychological Pricing

2020-05-05T16:54:23-04:00Categories: Pricing Optimization, Pricing Research, Pricing Strategy, Pricing Tools|Tags: , , , |

Pricing your product or service to a new geographic market may seem risky, but conducting research on psychological pricing can ease the challenge significantly.

How to Implement a Price Increase

2020-05-06T16:03:08-04:00Categories: Pricing Analytics, Pricing Changes, Pricing Optimization, Pricing Research, Pricing Strategy|Tags: , , , , , |

Price increases can be difficult to implement but there are tangible steps you can take to ensure a smooth transition and get customers on-board.

Applying Pricing Psychology to Move Past Cost Plus Pricing

2023-08-15T09:14:45-04:00Categories: Pricing Analytics, Pricing Research, Pricing Strategy, Pricing Tools|Tags: , , , , |

Applying pricing psychology could help your business capture substantial profits. We discuss how to leverage pricing psychology and research to get your organization out of cost plus pricing.

Generate Positive ROI with Pricing Research

2018-06-28T14:17:55-04:00Categories: Pricing for Researchers, Pricing Research, Pricing Strategy, Pricing Tools|Tags: , , , |

The pricing discipline has been growing rapidly as companies realize that investing in pricing can have long-term payoffs. But investing in pricing research can be a costly endeavour. We discuss the best ways to make sure that your pricing research returns positive ROI.

5 Guidelines for Effective Pricing Research

2017-10-10T15:32:03-04:00Categories: Pricing Analytics, Pricing for Researchers, Pricing Research|Tags: , , |

How do you remove the uncertainty around pricing your products? Using effective pricing research of course. These tips will ensure you get the most out of your research projects.

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