Optimizing Pricing Practices

2024-04-26T16:16:09-04:00Categories: Industries & Clients, Industry Examples, Our Services, Pricing Management, Pricing Optimization, Pricing Research, Pricing Strategy, Pricing Value, Revenue Management|

Background Our client is a ~$5B leading technology, software, and engineering organization that sells products globally. With more than 5,000 products, they support manufacturers’ performance and safety along with other technologies that measure, monitor, and analyze applications. Their innovative solutions drive efficiency and optimize operations across various industries. Our client identified that the organization [...]

Commercializing AI in Healthcare

2024-04-24T16:08:58-04:00Categories: Additional Research Services, Our Services, Pricing Analytics, Pricing and Selling, Pricing in Pharmaceuticals, Pricing Management, Pricing Research, Pricing Strategy, Revenue Management|

How do you Successfully Commercialize Artificial Intelligence Technology? AI in Healthcare Artificial Intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing numerous industries, including healthcare. In this dynamic sector, AI streamlines tasks, enhances operational efficiency, and elevates patient care. Particularly notable is AI’s role in diagnostics, where it enables more accurate assessment and better patient outcomes. Moreover, AI integration [...]

Optimizing Membership Structure for a Fitness Club

2024-03-12T13:44:47-04:00Categories: Industry Examples, Our Services, Pricing Analytics, Pricing Management, Pricing Optimization, Pricing Research, Pricing Strategy, Pricing Value, Revenue Management|

Background Our client is an international fitness organization with more than 1,000 locations across the country. This fitness club offers various programs that are tailored to fulfill the requirements of the communities they serve, benefiting thousands of individuals annually. The primary focus of this study was to analyze 30+ facilities located across several key [...]

How to Optimize Prices in 2024

2024-02-05T11:53:26-05:00Categories: Crisis Management, Inflation Pricing, Pricing Management, Pricing Optimization, Pricing Research, Pricing Strategy, Pricing Tools, Pricing Value, Recession Pricing, Revenue Management, Services|Tags: , , , , , |

A note from Iris Pricing Solutions President: Kirk Jackisch 3 Ways Businesses Can Optimize Prices in 2024 As 2024 progresses amidst global uncertainty, businesses face significant challenges. Recent years have witnessed escalating costs and diminishing profit margins, prompting frequent price increases, often occurring multiple times annually. Despite this, businesses have increasingly embraced robust price [...]

Revamping Pricing Strategies for Tradeshows

2024-01-26T11:06:46-05:00Categories: Our Services, Pricing Analytics, Pricing Changes, Pricing Management, Pricing Optimization, Pricing Research, Pricing Strategy|

Background Our client is a $50M+ professional association and one of the largest hosts of industry tradeshows in North America, attracting 50,000+ attendees. Renowned as one of the most pivotal events in the industry, vendors value this tradeshow for its outstanding influence on sales, media coverage, and overall business success. The Challenge Our client, [...]

Effective Price Management: A Key to Boosting Profits

2024-01-10T11:13:45-05:00Categories: Our Services, Pricing Analytics, Pricing and Selling, Pricing Management, Pricing Strategy, Revenue Management|

By: Benjamin Garden, VP, Pricing Analytics In the rapidly evolving business landscape, effective price management is a critical factor in determining a company's success. Mastering this skill involves a blend of strategic insight and adherence to ethical pricing practices, both of which are pivotal for achieving sustainable profitability and ensuring customer satisfaction. Customers recognize [...]

Restaurants are Fighting Inflation and Raising Profits with a Secret Weapon

2024-01-10T14:42:04-05:00Categories: Inflation Pricing, Pricing Analytics, Pricing Management, Pricing Optimization, Recession Pricing, restaurant pricing|

By: Benjamin Garden, VP, Pricing Analytics, Iris Pricing Solutions In 2023, restaurants have faced a slew of challenges, from slower foot traffic to higher supply costs.  However, some restaurants and their franchisees are defying expectations and actually earning healthy profits.  How are they accomplishing this feat? Their secret weapon is pricing analytics, which is the [...]

Mastering the Price Wars: Thriving in Competitive Markets

2023-10-24T12:00:00-04:00Categories: Pricing Analytics, Pricing and Selling, Pricing Management, Pricing Optimization, Pricing Research, Pricing Value, Revenue Management|

By: Ed Heskins, Head of Pricing, Europe To be in business is to be in competition.  Few, if any, businesses operate in a vacuum, and even if your products and services are highly differentiated, customers will often seek alternatives to compare you with.  In this way, pricing against your competition is as challenging as [...]

Pricing Strategies at a Glance: What are they and which is best for you?

2023-09-08T18:13:22-04:00Categories: Pricing Analytics, Pricing Management, Pricing Optimization, Pricing Research, Pricing Strategy, Pricing Tools, Revenue Management|

By: Savannah Dixon, Pricing Analyst, Iris Pricing Solutions In the constantly changing world of business, discovering the ideal pricing strategy is critical to unlocking untapped revenue potential. It's a puzzle that can make or break your success, and the choices can be daunting. In this article, we explore four fundamental strategies: Cost-Plus Pricing, Value-Based [...]

Uncovering $3 Million : Data-Driven Pricing Strategies to Overcome Inflation

2024-01-10T14:42:22-05:00Categories: Inflation Pricing, Pricing Analytics, Pricing Management, Pricing Optimization, Recession Pricing|

By: Benjamin Garden, Vice President, Pricing Analytics In a Conference Board survey of 51% of CEOs worldwide, inflation was their second-biggest external concern in 2023 (behind only a possible recession). In today's age of "Big Data", C-suite executives are eager to use data and analytics to address all of their business challenges - including inflation. [...]

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