Our Services

Revamping Pricing Strategies for Tradeshows

2024-01-26T11:06:46-05:00Categories: Our Services, Pricing Analytics, Pricing Changes, Pricing Management, Pricing Optimization, Pricing Research, Pricing Strategy|

Background Our client is a $50M+ professional association and one of the largest hosts of industry tradeshows in North America, attracting 50,000+ attendees. Renowned as one of the most pivotal events in the industry, vendors value this tradeshow for its outstanding influence on sales, media coverage, and overall business success. The Challenge Our client, [...]

Effective Price Management: A Key to Boosting Profits

2024-01-10T11:13:45-05:00Categories: Our Services, Pricing Analytics, Pricing and Selling, Pricing Management, Pricing Strategy, Revenue Management|

By: Benjamin Garden, VP, Pricing Analytics In the rapidly evolving business landscape, effective price management is a critical factor in determining a company's success. Mastering this skill involves a blend of strategic insight and adherence to ethical pricing practices, both of which are pivotal for achieving sustainable profitability and ensuring customer satisfaction. Customers recognize [...]

Sophisticated Approach to Menu Price Structure

2023-12-12T11:03:44-05:00Categories: Our Services, Pricing Analytics, Pricing in Retail, Pricing Optimization, Pricing Research, Pricing Strategy, Pricing Value, Revenue Management|

Embark on a journey with one of North America's largest quick-service restaurant giants, with over 3,000 franchised locations and revenue surpassing $5 billion. Fueled by strategic pricing decisions, their success faced a challenge when certain price hikes led to a dip in market share. In response, our client sought the expertise of Iris Pricing [...]

Power of Pricing Analytics in Retail and E-Tail Decision Making

2022-11-29T13:04:55-05:00Categories: Differentiation Strategies, ecommerce, Our Services, Pricing Analytics, Pricing Changes, Pricing in Retail, Pricing Management, Pricing Strategy, Pricing Tools, Pricing Value, Services|Tags: , , , , , , , , , |

By: Ben Garden, Director of Analytics, Iris Pricing Solutions There are significant benefits to working with a team who has high-level pricing analytical skills and can use your company's data to inform pricing and create new pricing opportunities, especially in the areas of e-commerce and competitive intelligence. Leveraging your data and analytics to make [...]

This Simple Mind Hack Will Give Your Pricing a Fresh Start

2021-08-06T14:35:53-04:00Categories: Crisis Management, Our Services, Pricing Analytics, Pricing and Selling, Pricing Management, Pricing Optimization, Pricing Strategy|

By: Kevin McCabe Contact Kevin -Director, Pricing Strategy, Industrial & Manufacturing The start of a new fiscal year is a major milestone in the annual calendar: most companies have already broken their pricing resolutions by summer and won't be attacking them again--at least until the planning cycle for [...]

Experience Economy Set to Profit from Renewed Pricing Power

2023-08-15T09:20:08-04:00Categories: Crisis Management, Experience Economy Pricing, Our Services, Pricing Analytics, Pricing and Selling, Pricing in Retail, Pricing Management, Pricing Optimization, Pricing Solutions News, Pricing Strategy, Pricing Tools|

With wide-scale vaccine rollouts well underway, our entry into a post-pandemic world is already a reality for some, and inevitable for others. That's good news for experience economy survivors —those in the airline, hotel, and travel industries, live events, conferences and trade shows, indoor and outdoor venues, etc. However, reopening raises significant questions around [...]

Can You Protect Your Business and Clients from Cost Shocks?

2021-11-17T17:44:51-05:00Categories: Our Services, Pricing Analytics, Pricing Management, Pricing Strategy, Pricing Tools, Pricing Value|

The Evergreen, the enormous shipping container that infamously blocked traffic in the Suez Canal for almost a week was earlier this year, but experts say the impact is and will continue to be felt throughout global supply chains. The traffic jam in the Suez Canal isn't solely to blame, of course. There's been a global [...]

This is The Most Important Pricing Trend of 2021

2021-01-18T13:04:05-05:00Categories: Our Services, Pricing Changes, Pricing Optimization, Pricing Research, Pricing Strategy, Pricing Tools, Pricing Value|

The truth is subscription pricing is more than a trend – it's been around for years now and is gaining momentum. Everything as a Service (EaaS) means that everything that used to be available as a one-time payment will now be available to purchase as a recurring payment. There are three trends around subscription [...]

How Pricing Research Can Help Firms Navigate a Changing QSR Environment?

2020-03-10T12:12:59-04:00Categories: Industries & Clients, Our Services, Pricing Research, restaurant pricing|Tags: , , , , , |

To stay on top of changes in shifting QSR environment, leverage the power of pricing research to grasp trends in customer buying behavior. 

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