Industry Examples

4 Strategies to Improve Your Retail Pricing Management

2023-08-15T09:12:26-04:00Categories: Industry Examples, Pricing Management|Tags: , , , , , , |

Many people see pricing strictly from a financial perspective, but there’s more to a good pricing strategy than that. A sound pricing strategy ensures you’re well positioned to compete, which is why you always need to tie your price to value.

Pricing Strategy – The “Iceberg” of Your Business Value

2023-08-15T09:14:48-04:00Categories: Industry Examples, Pricing Management, Pricing Optimization, Pricing Strategy, Pricing Value|Tags: , , , |

Why do we call pricing strategy the “iceberg” of business value? We are talking about the highly leveraged effect that top line pricing strategy has on the bottom line of a company.

Top 4 Strategies to Improve Customer Retention

2020-05-05T16:54:44-04:00Categories: Industries & Clients, Industry Examples, Pricing Strategy, Pricing Value|Tags: , , , |

Last year, Apple's retention rate was at the colossal percentage of 92. While your business may not achieve the retention rate this high, even a few percentage increase will make a significant change to your profit.

Using MAP & MRP to Manage Online Retail Prices

2023-08-15T09:14:47-04:00Categories: Industry Examples, Pricing Changes, Pricing Management, Pricing Optimization|Tags: , , , , , |

In today’s omni-channel world strong pricing controls are critical to capturing value. MAP & MRP policies are examples of ways companies are trying to keep tighter controls on price.

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