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So far Kareem has created 106 blog entries.

What does England’s “Freedom Day” mean for UK Cinemas and Restaurants?

2023-07-06T15:07:29-04:00Categories: Experience Economy Pricing, Pricing Analytics, Pricing and Selling, Pricing in Retail, Pricing Research, restaurant pricing|

By: Ed Heskins, Director of Pricing Strategy (UK) Last month marked “Freedom Day” in parts of the UK, when the government removed almost all remaining restrictions on its citizens, leaving them free to congregate together, and for businesses to dial-down some of the social distancing measures in place for the last 18 months.  [...]

This Simple Mind Hack Will Give Your Pricing a Fresh Start

2021-08-06T14:35:53-04:00Categories: Crisis Management, Our Services, Pricing Analytics, Pricing and Selling, Pricing Management, Pricing Optimization, Pricing Strategy|

By: Kevin McCabe Contact Kevin -Director, Pricing Strategy, Industrial & Manufacturing The start of a new fiscal year is a major milestone in the annual calendar: most companies have already broken their pricing resolutions by summer and won't be attacking them again--at least until the planning cycle for [...]

Is Tuition Really a Huge Factor for Students?

2021-07-01T15:29:53-04:00Categories: Uncategorized|

Our client, a prestigious university in the United Kingdom, was re-examining the pricing of their graduate tuition programs. Over the past two decades, the U.K. post-secondary system has undergone a series of drastic changes, including the 1992 Further and Higher Education Act, which changed funding and administration regulations. In addition to expanding the types of [...]

Experience Economy Set to Profit from Renewed Pricing Power

2023-08-15T09:20:08-04:00Categories: Crisis Management, Experience Economy Pricing, Our Services, Pricing Analytics, Pricing and Selling, Pricing in Retail, Pricing Management, Pricing Optimization, Pricing Solutions News, Pricing Strategy, Pricing Tools|

With wide-scale vaccine rollouts well underway, our entry into a post-pandemic world is already a reality for some, and inevitable for others. That's good news for experience economy survivors —those in the airline, hotel, and travel industries, live events, conferences and trade shows, indoor and outdoor venues, etc. However, reopening raises significant questions around [...]

The Correlation Between Price and Consumer Preference

2021-06-01T18:29:40-04:00Categories: Customer Intimacy, Differentiation Strategies, Pricing and Selling, Pricing Research, Pricing Strategy, Pricing Tools, Pricing Value|

This pricing transformation provided $3 million in short-term pricing opportunities, and $10 million in long-term margin improvement opportunities. The client is a private equity company that manufactures and sells retail home design products. These products are sold through big box home improvement stores, smaller hardware stores, and independent home design and décor stores. The challenge: [...]

How Pricing for EV Charging is Totally Different to Gas Pricing

2023-08-15T09:20:06-04:00Categories: Industry Examples, Pricing in Retail, Pricing Management, Pricing Optimization, Pricing Research, Pricing Strategy|

and what this means for utilities, brick and mortar retail, the hospitality sector, and digital marketing By: Peter Winters, Senior Research Consultant The price for EV charging is complicated Buying gas is typically one of the most price-informed decisions that consumers make. Consumers are easily able to compare gas prices between gas [...]

Leveraging Research to Increase Membership and Revenue Growth

2021-05-05T13:43:15-04:00Categories: Crisis Management, Pricing Analytics, Pricing Management, Pricing Optimization, Pricing Research, Pricing Strategy|

Our client was uncertain how to protect membership numbers, prevent churn, and ultimately grow membership and revenue. The association had been offering a single price for membership. Although the association did discount some services, all were included with membership. The Pricing Solutions team identified that this pricing approach was causing the association to lose [...]

Can You Protect Your Business and Clients from Cost Shocks?

2021-11-17T17:44:51-05:00Categories: Our Services, Pricing Analytics, Pricing Management, Pricing Strategy, Pricing Tools, Pricing Value|

The Evergreen, the enormous shipping container that infamously blocked traffic in the Suez Canal for almost a week was earlier this year, but experts say the impact is and will continue to be felt throughout global supply chains. The traffic jam in the Suez Canal isn't solely to blame, of course. There's been a global [...]

Using Data to Differentiate Reality from Assumptions

2021-03-31T14:09:33-04:00Categories: Differentiation Strategies, Pricing Analytics, Pricing Management, Pricing Research, Pricing Strategy, Professional Associations|

Pricing Strategies for Professional Associations & Non-profits Background Most associations are struggling to retain members, a problem that the pandemic has exacerbated, as they invest heavily to support the shift to digital offerings. How can these associations retain and even grow membership numbers moving forward to justify these sizeable investments? Until recently, most professional associations [...]

Developing a Competitive Database to Support Pricing Strategy Implementation

2021-02-22T09:58:19-05:00Categories: Pricing in Pharmaceuticals, Pricing Optimization, Pricing Research, Pricing Value, Professional Associations|

Our client is the largest independent, non-profit standards organization focused on ensuring the global quality and safety of drugs, medicines, and supplements. They collected competitive data through a manual, ad hoc process – which was labor-intensive and inefficient. Our client teamed up with Pricing Solutions to improve its competitive intelligence capabilities through automating the [...]

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