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So far Kareem has created 106 blog entries.

Menu Prices Must Increase This Spring, But By How Much?

2022-04-08T13:25:18-04:00Categories: Pricing Analytics, Pricing Management, Pricing Optimization, Pricing Strategy, Pricing Tools, Pricing Value, restaurant pricing|

By Craig Singleton, Director of Restaurant Strategy, Iris Pricing Solutions Spring is here and it's the ideal time to re-evaluate menus and reconsider pricing. Producing new menu items or switching to a seasonal menu necessitates a consideration of current pricing. Many large, multi-unit restaurant brands procrastinate on pricing out of fear that an increase [...]

Cost Spikes, Inflation, and Supply Shortages remain as the top economic challenge in 2022

2024-01-10T14:42:41-05:00Categories: Inflation Pricing, Pricing Analytics, Pricing and Selling, Pricing in Pharmaceuticals, Pricing in Retail, Pricing Management, Pricing Optimization, Pricing Research, Pricing Strategy, Pricing Value, Recession Pricing|

Last year we asked the question Can You Protect Your Business and Clients from Cost Shocks? While we may have all hoped that the surge in the cost of raw materials and Pandemic-related disruptions would dissipate, the truth is that we're now in a significant period of inflation with most companies needing to increase [...]

Measuring the Impact of Promotion Sales in Food Service

2022-02-28T15:17:20-05:00Categories: Pricing Analytics, Pricing and Selling, Pricing in Retail, Pricing Optimization, Pricing Strategy, restaurant pricing|

Cost pressures and an increasingly competitive market have resulted in severe price increases across the restaurant industry. Research by the National Restaurant Association has found that menu prices on average have increased 4.7% percent last year, and quick service has increased by 6.7% - which was the highest increase U.S. consumers experienced in over [...]

Understanding the Financial Impact of COVID is Critical for Survival of Med-Tech Suppliers

2022-02-28T15:14:17-05:00Categories: Pricing Management, Pricing Optimization, Pricing Research, Pricing Strategy|

 For medical technology suppliers, the COVID-19 pandemic is fraught with possibilities and challenges. Navigating these challenges and reaping the opportunities requires careful consideration of the financial impact of COVID-19 on hospitals and the health care industry as a whole. Translating this understanding into relevant offerings and thoughtful pricing strategies is critical to the survival [...]

Utilizing Data Intelligence to Drive Loyalty in UK cinemas

2022-02-08T12:34:08-05:00Categories: Pricing Analytics, Pricing Optimization, Pricing Research, Pricing Strategy|

 Subscription Pricing in the Leisure IndustryA Private Equity firm with portfolio interests in the cinema and general leisure industriesWithin the cinema industry, they wanted to understand the role of loyalty programs, including ‘all-you-can-eat’ subscription offersDue to constraints on their resources, there was no access to sales data, internal staff information, or other marketing materialsThe client [...]

4 Expert Tips to Approach Pricing as a Marketer

2021-12-15T16:53:13-05:00Categories: Pricing Analytics, Pricing in Retail, Pricing Management, Pricing Optimization, Pricing Research, Pricing Strategy|

“If you have to have a prayer session before raising the price by 10 percent, then you've got a terrible business.” – Warren Buffett By: Ed Heskins, Director of Pricing Strategy (UK) Prices are going up.  As supply costs start to bite, wages increase and government relief is withdrawn, more and more companies [...]

Transforming Pricing Model to Uncover Revenue

2021-11-30T10:05:06-05:00Categories: ecommerce, Pricing in Retail, Pricing Management, Pricing Optimization, Pricing Research|

Our client was a global e-commerce platform with over 600K active users, consisting of small to large-sized online merchants. They contacted the Pricing Solutions team to help them develop a value-based pricing strategy, for maximum financial impact. Our team: Gathered & Analyzed Data Conducted Market Research Improved Existing Pricing Model using Value-Based Pricing The [...]

Pricing and Digitization: Parallel Journeys to Success and Survival

2021-11-18T13:44:20-05:00Categories: Pricing Analytics, Pricing and Selling, Pricing Management, Pricing Optimization, Pricing Strategy, Pricing Tools, Pricing Value|

Iris Pricing Solutions has launched a special report entitled ‘Pricing and Digitization: Parallel Journeys to Success and Survival’, demonstrating how pricing, marketing, and sales can benefit from better data capture and use that data to increase customer segmentation, improve value propositions, and better understand consumer behavior. Companies in the B2B sector are increasingly employing [...]

5 Ways B2Bs Are Using AI to Enhance Pricing

2021-11-08T10:23:17-05:00Categories: Pricing Optimization, Pricing Research|

By: Greg Thomas, Vice President of Pricing Research and Insights In our recent article Should You Be Concerned about Price Collusion? we discussed the ethics behind artificial intelligence and pricing. Most people are familiar with artificial intelligence (AI) and machine intelligence (MI), terms that are used interchangeably to describe the field of computer science in [...]

Should You Be Concerned about Price Collusion? – Machine Intelligence

2021-11-02T16:28:48-04:00Categories: Pricing in Retail, Pricing Management, Pricing Optimization, Pricing Research, Pricing Solutions News|

By: Greg Thomas, Vice President of Pricing Research and Insights What impact, if any, does machine intelligence (MI) have on your day-to-day life? Well, when you booked your last flight the price you paid was likely calculated using some form of a machine-driven algorithm. In fact, next time you go to an all-inclusive resort, [...]

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