Pricing for
Experience Economy Businesses

Experiential Expert

(North America)

Greg Thomas
Greg ThomasGlobal
Vice President
Pricing Research

Welcome to the Experience Economy:

Increase Profits With Pricing Strategy

The COVID-19 lockdowns hit the experience economy based industries harder than most – those in the airline, hotel, and travel industries, live events, conferences and trade shows, indoor and outdoor venues, etc. – and reopening raises significant questions around pricing as businesses and consumers brace for our new reality. Although the combination of pent-up consumer demand and an excess of disposable consumer income bode well for the future of experiential businesses, the pandemic has  increased operating costs (labour, cleaning protocols, testing, tracking, etc.,) while simultaneously reducing capacity leaving experience-based businesses limited opportunities to change pricing.

Those within the experience economy who establish strong pricing strategies by capitalizing on their pricing power, gaining consumer confidence, considering consumer behaviour, and identifying value drivers will maximize profits, overcome pandemic-related losses, and set the groundwork for long-term success. 

At Pricing Solutions, we have extensive experience in transforming experiential institutions of all kinds to solve strategic problems such as performance improvement, operational excellence, demand and dynamic pricing strategies, cost management and reduction, growth strategy, and ticket pricing. Our team uses a focused and personalized approach to research, considering existing assumptions alongside gathered information to create a data-driven, custom pricing strategy that works. We help experience economy businesses realize their true value and potential within their respective markets, providing them with insider insights and informed guidance to optimize their pricing strategies.

Experiential Expert


Ed Heskins
Ed HeskinsUK & Europe
Director, Pricing Strategy

Our Experiential Pricing Expertise

At Pricing Solutions, we are experienced in understanding the unique issues that businesses in the experience economy face, and in developing customized, data-driven plans on how they can best use pricing to achieve their goals. We have completed projects for many leading entertainment, travel and experiential organizations globally. This includes helping our clients grow revenue, market share and contribution. We partner with clients over time to help them move up the 5 levels of World Class Pricing…and realize real bottom-line results.

Experience Economy Pricing Insights


Experience Economy Set to Profit from Renewed Pricing Power

June 28th, 2021|

With wide-scale vaccine rollouts well underway, our entry into a post-pandemic world is already a reality for some, and inevitable for others. That's good news for experience economy survivors —those in the airline, hotel, [...]

Optimising Pitch Pricing : Case Study

Experiential Pricing Strategy: Optimising pitch pricing using regression analysis

The Pricing Challenge

The client is a UK wide company that rents 5 aside football pitches. Their prices had largely been set by local managers with no central control or alignment, this inconsistency was confusing to customers and money was being left on the table.

Pricing Objective: to find pricing improvement by aligning prices based on local competition levels and willingness to pay differences.

Keep Climbing: Delta Airlines

Delta Airlines 2021 Masters - Iris

The Pricing Challenge

Delta was into its third year of sponsoring one of the world’s most iconic sporting events. To date, the brand had struggled to find a meaningful connection to the sponsorship through communications. Our brief was to address this challenge.

Pricing Objective: combine experiential marketing and pricing strategies to maximize client revenue from sponsorships.

“We are very happy with the work conducted, their expertise in pricing was incredibly valuable as we formed our strategies for migrating customers during this complex product restructuring. We are now more able to mitigate our revenue risks and capture our opportunities for price increase.”

Proudly Working with Leading Experience Economy Organizations

Iris Pricing Solutions’ multicultural, multi-lingual team understands different market, cultures and consumer segments

enabling us to provide effective pricing analysis and strategy to Experience Economy Organizations globally. Our 360º approach to pricing providing expertise in strategy, research, people, training, systems and tools.

American Skiing Company
Delta Airlines

Canadian Science Museum
Parks Canada
VUE Cinemas
InterContinental Hotels Group

Power League
Beaulieu National Motor Museum
Blenheim Palace

Experience Economy Pricing Case Studies

Harness the Power of Experience Economy Pricing Strategy

Contact Us for a Pricing Consultation

Pricing Solutions is one of the worlds’ leading pricing consultancy firms. We are dedicated to helping clients tackle their specific pricing challenges and dramatially grow profitability. Our consultants have extensive experience in B2B and B2C markets within a wide range of industries.

For more information about our services or to get in touch with one of our consultants directly please contact our global headquarters.